Mei Guan Yuan


  • English-friendly    English-friendly
  • Friendly accessibility    Friendly accessibility
  • Friendly bathroom    Friendly bathroom

Business hour

Business hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Open 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00
Close 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00 21:00
Business hour Open Close
Sunday 11:00 21:00
Monday 11:00 21:00
Tuesday 11:00 21:00
Wednesday 11:00 21:00
Thursday 11:00 21:00
Friday 11:00 21:00
Saturday 11:00 21:00


Mei Guan Yuan was founded by Mr. Min-Chiung Chang, who studied at a forestry school during the Japanese occupation. After returning to Taiwan in 1924, he worked for the Railway Department, serving in Keelung and Taipei. He negotiated with the old Yanagiya kitchenware store to raise funds and acquire exceptional skills. Later, due to difficulties converting Japanese yen back to Taiwan currency, he left his job and returned home. In 1965, he rebuilt the family’s property in Beigang into a modern three-story building and expanded the business to five neighboring towns, achieving remarkable success. After Mr. Min-Chiung Chang’s passing, his grandson Mao-Li Chang took over the business. Mei Guan Yuan has been in operation for over sixty years, maintaining its commitment to excellent service and upholding the traditional values of the original establishment despite the changing times.
  • 捷運西門站  Bus Station:  捷運西門站

Property location

25.0435288, 121.5065878

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