Veganuary 8 Convenience Store


  • Friendly accessibility    Friendly accessibility
  • Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)    Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)
  • Vegetarian friendly    Vegetarian friendly
  • Free WiFi    Free WiFi

Business hour

Business hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Open 13:00 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30 10:30
Close 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00 19:00
Business hour Open Close
Sunday 13:00 19:00
Monday 10:30 19:00
Tuesday 10:30 19:00
Wednesday 10:30 19:00
Thursday 10:30 19:00
Friday 10:30 19:00
Saturday 10:30 19:00


 Guo-Qing Jiang, the founder of Veganuary 8 Convenience Store, initially held a supervisory position at Foxconn. However, a pivotal moment led him to dedicate himself to promoting vegetarianism. He established Veganuary 8 Convenience Store to encourage his son to adopt a vegetarian diet and to offer convenience to vegetarians outside. Situated near Kunyang MRT Station Exit 1, the store is easily accessible. Despite its modest size, it boasts a diverse selection of over a hundred vegetarian products. Products are categorized by color: green for vegan and yellow for lacto-ovo vegetarian, simplifying the shopping experience for vegetarian consumers.
  • 捷運昆陽站  Bus Station:  捷運昆陽站
  • 昆陽站  Metro Station:  昆陽站
  • 南港火車站  Train Station:  南港火車站
  •   U-BIKE:  距離約0.07公里

Property location

  • No. 405, Sec. 6, Zhongxiao E. Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • 26546080
  • Delicious food and specialty
25.050486, 121.5926552

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