sometimes bookcafe


  • English-friendly    English-friendly
  • Mobile device recharging station    Mobile device recharging station
  • Gender friendly    Gender friendly
  • Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)    Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)
  • Vegetarian friendly    Vegetarian friendly
  • Friendly bathroom    Friendly bathroom
  • Free WiFi    Free WiFi
  • Bicycle Friendly    Bicycle Friendly
  • Period Friendly    Period Friendly

Business hour

Business hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Open 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00
Close 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00
Business hour Open Close
Sunday 11:00 18:00
Monday 11:00 18:00
Tuesday 11:00 18:00
Wednesday 11:00 18:00
Thursday 11:00 18:00
Friday 11:00 18:00
Saturday 11:00 18:00


Sometimes reading, sometimes meeting with friends, sometimes resting, and sometimes chatting… A bookstore is not just a place for selling books. It is a gathering place where the focus is on books. A bookstore closes the distance between the book and the reader. Let us talk about books together and share the good times between people and books. 
  • China Times stop  Bus Station:  China Times stop
  • MRT Longshan Temple Exit 2  Metro Station:  MRT Longshan Temple Exit 2
  • Wanhua Station  Train Station:  Wanhua Station
  •   U-BIKE:  距離約Sugar Refinery Cultural Park公里

Property location

  • 1F,No. 240, Sec. 3, Heping W. Rd., Wanhua Dist., Taipei City 108 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • (02)2306-6370
  • Delicious food and specialty
25.0351756, 121.4959809

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