Ms.Lazy Bird Brunch


  • English-friendly    English-friendly
  • Gender friendly    Gender friendly
  • Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)    Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)
  • Vegetarian friendly    Vegetarian friendly
  • Friendly bathroom    Friendly bathroom
  • Free WiFi    Free WiFi
  • Bicycle Friendly    Bicycle Friendly

Business hour

Business hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Open 7:00 6:30 6:30 - 6:30 6:30 7:00
Close 13:45 13:15 13:15 - 13:15 13:15 13:45
Business hour Open Close
Sunday 7:00 13:45
Monday 6:30 13:15
Tuesday 6:30 13:15
Wednesday - -
Thursday 6:30 13:15
Friday 6:30 13:15
Saturday 7:00 13:45


We select quality ingredients and natural seasonings, returning to the essence of pure cooking to present you with the most delicious dishes.
We meticulously prepare each brunch item with care, aiming to satisfy both your stomach and soul.
Our cozy and relaxing space is designed for you to unwind and treat yourself to a delightful brunch when you feel weary. Please take a moment to relax and rejuvenate here with our delicious offerings.
  • 五分社區  Bus Station:  五分社區
  • 東湖  Metro Station:  東湖
  •   U-BIKE:  距離約0.17公里

Property location

  • 1F., No. 21, Aly. 5, Ln. 113, Donghu Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114048 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • Delicious food and specialty
25.069338, 121.61452

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