Miss Wrap Burrito, Panini, & Coffee


  • English-friendly    English-friendly
  • Mobile device recharging station    Mobile device recharging station
  • Gender friendly    Gender friendly
  • Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)    Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)
  • Vegetarian friendly    Vegetarian friendly
  • Friendly bathroom    Friendly bathroom
  • Free WiFi    Free WiFi

Business hour

Business hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Open 10:00 - 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 10:00
Close 18:00 - 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00 18:00
Business hour Open Close
Sunday 10:00 18:00
Monday - -
Tuesday 10:00 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 18:00
Thursday 10:00 18:00
Friday 10:00 18:00
Saturday 10:00 18:00


A cozy shop that loves Mexican burritos, coffee, desserts, and cats.
  • 天程企業、麥帥一橋、長壽橋  Bus Station:  天程企業、麥帥一橋、長壽橋
  • 松山站  Metro Station:  松山站
  • 松山火車站  Train Station:  松山火車站
  •   U-BIKE:  距離約0.3公里

Property location

  • No. 12, Lane 460, Xinming Rd, Neihu District, Taipei City, 114
  • www.facebook.com
  • Delicious food and specialty
25.053997, 121.57853

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