SweetMe Hotspring Resort


  • English-friendly    English-friendly
  • Japanese-friendly    Japanese-friendly
  • Mobile device recharging station    Mobile device recharging station
  • Friendly accessibility    Friendly accessibility
  • Gender friendly    Gender friendly
  • Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)    Convenient payment (Credit Card / EasyCard / 3rd Party payment)
  • Vegetarian friendly    Vegetarian friendly
  • Free WiFi    Free WiFi

Business hour

Business hour Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Open 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
Close 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00 0:00
Business hour Open Close
Sunday 0:00 0:00
Monday 0:00 0:00
Tuesday 0:00 0:00
Wednesday 0:00 0:00
Thursday 0:00 0:00
Friday 0:00 0:00
Saturday 0:00 0:00


SweetMe Hotspring Resort is a next-gen physical and spiritual hot spring SPA located next to Beitou Park. SweetMe offers elegantly designed guest rooms with wooden furnishings to dispel the travelers’ exhaustion. The establishment is nestled in the trees and grasses, providing a milky white sulfur hot spring bath to ease away stress and tiredness as well as a famous banquet menu that dates back to the heyday of Beitou hot springs. A stay with SweetMe is to have a dialog with the natural world while taking a much-needed break from one’s busy schedule. SweetMe is the perfect place to appreciate the intricate beauty of Beitou.
  • Xinbeitou  Metro Station:  Xinbeitou

Property location

  • No. 224, Guangming Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City 112, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • 02-2898-3838
  • www.sweetme.com.tw
  • Theme-based B&B
25.13613950639111, 121.50502651440934

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